Thursday 30 March 2023

Pasta, Pierogies, and Pussywillows

Mid MarchEnd of March

Crocuses are just now starting to open their flowers. I'm starting to wonder how so many European countries equate daffodils with February.

We had a few leftover scraps of bread so we tore it up and put the bits out with the peanuts for the bluejays and I was shocked to find after they cleaned out the basket, there were two little sunflower seeds!

We've considered that it may have been a thanks/trade for the bread which was new, or perhaps a request for next time, or maybe they just dropped these because they wanted to pick up something else. That said they were the only things left in the basket for a good long while.

I've been making pasta with fresh eggs from a neighbour. Because of the bright orange yolks, my pasta is yellow. The recipe I use converts 6 eggs to 3 bags of dry pasta, so one egg per serving.

I made up some pierogies for the freezer because the grocery store never has any I can eat. They're not difficult, they just take a long time.

Pussy willows are starting to pop, so between that and the crocuses, I'm thinking spring is properly here. The sunrise was certainly beautiful this morning.

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