Monday 26 March 2018

Tough Calls


I finally got around to calling the numbers my family doctor gave me to find a psychologist. Some of them were out of date and there's a bunch more calls to make before I even decide which doc to do an intake appointment with and cross my fingers that I can manage to get something accomplished before my benefits run out.

Friday 23 March 2018

It's been a hard winter


I didn't know for sure what was wrong, but I did know something was.
I went to a doctor and she confirmed I have anxiety issues and maybe more and referred me out to a psychologist... I still haven't called.... :-/

I'm a bit worried. I see 3 options. They'll tell me I have something there's no treatment for like autism, or they'll tell me my anxiety levels fall within "normal" and I'm just a crybaby, or they do find something to treat and give me exercises to do and ... I just don't do it because there's so much in my life I just don't do lately no mater how important.